Coconut oil is one of the products derived from the coconut, a ‘superfood’ rich with a wonderful combination of fatty acids which provide it with the ability to act in an antibacterial manner. Coconut oil also possesses antiviral properties as well as effectively helping to balance the natural chemicals found in and on our skin. The results are lowered cases of infection, softer, clearer skin, and a number of other benefits which we will discuss further. We will also cover a bit about how to use coconut oil so you can reap the highest level of benefit possible.

Coconut oil can effectively help you lose stubborn belly fat. As well as helping to reduce appetite, ingesting coconut oil has proven to help with the fat burning process, particularly around the mid-section. Simply add one ounce of coconut oil to your diet per day. This is most commonly done by adding a bit to a beverage or into other foods as a part of your diet and exercise regimen.

Coconut oil has been proven to be a powerful fighter of fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Besides a number of other infections, the use of coconut oil is a wonderful combatant against yeast and staph infections. Those who regularly ingested the substance as part of a dietary supplement showed far less bouts with infection, and their bodies fought infection of better.

Coconut oil effectively reduces the occurrence of seizures. When the use of coconut oil is implemented in conjunction with a specific medical diet consisting of low carbohydrates and high fat the number of seizures suffered by children diagnosed with epileptic conditions showed sharp drops in the number of seizures their condition caused on a daily basis.

Coconut oil reduces cholesterol levels, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease in user. Once again, when used with a medically specific diet, the use of coconut oil has shown to drastically reduce levels of cholesterol, which in turn results in the lowering of the risk of heart disease in those individuals.

Coconut oil is a powerful skin and hair moisturizer and protectant

By using coconut oil on the hair and skin on a topical basis hair becomes much stronger and displays a higher resistance to splitting and breaking. When applied to the skin it moisturizes wonderfully, softening the skin to incredible levels and providing it with a healthy glow. When using on the hair or skin topical use is recommended to expose them to the benefits of the oil on a direct, rather than indirect, basis.